Monday, December 23, 2013

Sibling love

This week we have had some sick kiddos. Runny noses all around, which has caused more cranky babies and lots more complaining because they don't feel good. Today however I got to see a lot of little loving moments between the kids, it warms my heart!

big brother moment
Noah is really an amazing older brother, the little kids just light up when he walks into the house after school. Today as the trio were sitting on the couch he came in the door and got 3 huge grins. He came over and gave everyone hugs and attention and they loved it! He has also been good this week about entertaining them while I cook dinner. He will wrestle with Gunner, giggle with Hunter, and cuddle with Maarii. I am so thankful for that big brother!
lots of kisses

Today while I was holding all 3 little kids (which was almost all day) Maarii started giving Hunter who was in the middle kisses. She would lean over and kiss his mouth, then his forehead, then his hair. Gunner thought that looked fun so he leaned over from his side and started giving his version of kisses. They start out as a kisses but once he gets close to you he opens his mouth and slobbers on you then laughs because he thinks it's hilarious! So little Hunter was getting love from all sides, which he tolerated for quite some time too.
sweet sister moment 
Later Gunner tripped on a toy in the hall as started crying. As I was going to get him Maarii ran down the hall to give him a big hug and tried to comfort him. 
Gunner and Maarii were sitting on my lap and Maarii started coughing so I was patting her back. Gunner reached over and started patting her back too. 
mama's boy
My sweet little Hunter walked up to me while I was sitting on the couch and have me a big hug, then he took his pacifier out of his mouth to give me a kiss. Quite a gesture to take out the pacifier.

                    I just love all these sweet moments and I want to remember them, always.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Night owls

My little boys have become night owls!
They go to bed at their regular bed time than a few hours later one if them "sounds the call" for the group and they get up. They take turns on who is the caller, something they have always done. 
Tonight Maarii decided to continue her beauty sleep so it was just me and the little boys.
We had some milk and a snack. Then a little play time with Sesame Street.
Funny thing is that Hunter now associates being up late with our smoke detector. A while ago during one of our late nights with daddy the fireplace started smoking and set off the alarm.
 Hunter was very interested in that very loud noise so josh had to take him and show him what it was.
 Now all late nights he goes over to the wall it's on and points and starts talking about it.
Funny the things they remember. 
After we were done with snacks Hunter kept walking down the hall to his bedroom door.
 I kept bringing him back, assuming he was trying to wake Maarii. After the 5th time or so, I thought maybe he is trying to go back to bed. So I gathered the boys up and took them back to their beds. They both laid down quietly and went right to sleep. I guess they just needed a snack and some play time, and were ready to hit the hay!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Snow Snow

Today we had our first snow since the babies were born! They were so excited when I got them out of bed and held them up to the window to see it! They immediately ran out to the dining room to look out the sliding doors.
So of course we had breakfast then went out to play first thing!
 Even Noah was excited to take them out in the snow!

First snowball! He loved kicking his feet in the snow
Yummy snow!
 Hunter wasn't sure about all that snow on his pacifier
 We need some boots!
My loves!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

where has the time gone....

Everyday I am amazed at all the new things we are learning and doing, these are no longer my little babies. They are now my little big kids, with long legs, long hair, silly words and giggles.
Gunner's favorite words are bye-bye, uh-oh, dog, woof-woof, mama, dada, thank you, moo and suddenly he is just babbling up a storm about everything. My busy quiet boy has become quite the talker! He loves to be outside and can't wait to see the dogs he isn't nervous about them at all. He has started shrieking at the top of his lungs when he is upset (usually after his sister has bitten him) ear piercing screams! When he is tired he likes to snuggle and suck his thumb, he likes to dance and shake his head to feel his hair swish back and forth. He loves to ride the zebra rocking toy, and he shakes his crib back and forth when he is ready to get up from a nap. He got his first hair trim because his hair was in his eyes, he is such a handsome boy!
 Gunner weighs 23.6lbs, is 31.5in tall, and has 10 teeth.


Hunter's favorite words are dog, bye-bye, woof-woof, mama, dada, go (as in where did it go? usually about his pacifier) and he crows like a rooster! He loves going outside and always wants to go see the chickens and the rooster. He likes the dogs and gets excited but he doesn't like it when Hasslehoff gives him too many kisses. He is still my snuggly mama's boy that sometimes comes to snuggle with us in the middle of the night for a little bit, but after about 30 minutes he has trouble finding a comfortable spot so he goes back to his bed. Hunter loves to dance, he does a rocking from foot to foot with his hand raised. He has started temper tantrums where he runs to the corner away from everyone and cries. His face and eyes get all red and he cries big crocodile tears, definitely my little red head! His hair is starting to curl in the back.
Hunter weighs 21lbs, is 30.75in tall and has 10 teeth. He is still my little guy!

Maarii's favorite words are baby, bye-bye, dada, dog, thank you, go (as in go away brothers) and mama. She is super giggly and does a funny little laugh that sounds fake she has started laughing like the Count on Sesame Street. She loves babies and loves to give hugs and kisses. She is very interested in clothes and has started bringing me clothes to put on her. Her favorite is her striped cardigan sweater. Good thing it washes she has worn it for a week straight, even with her jammies!
She loves to play outside and get dirty. She always has sticks, dirt and leaves in her hands and mouth. She tolerates the dogs but has fallen in love with grandma and grandpa's kitties.
Her temper tantrums have started with throwing herself face first on the ground with tears. She loves to snuggle on the couch with her blanket and suck her thumb first thing in the morning while she is waking up. She carries her dolls, bears and blankets around with her. She and Hunter love shoes! She is a tough cookie who shows her brothers who is boss and is not afraid to bite them. She is a big time daddy's girl, she throws a tantrum when he leaves her at home and is the first to greet him at the door.
Maarii weighs 24.8lbs, is 32.25in tall and has 14 teeth.

These kids are truly the most amazing blessings in my life! 4 very special reasons to be Thankful this year!



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

a little bit of happiness

Just a quick minute of happy! I have so much more to talk about but so little time!
we have been playing out side and eating lots of rocks and dirt, our favorite!


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sweet Brother Moment

The past few days have been tough on my little Hunter, he is teething (molars) and he has some sort of bug.
So he is tired, whiny and not putting up with anyone but Mama.
This morning as he was cuddling with me on the couch
Gunner came over and brought his Elmo toy to share with Hunter.
He put it on my lap in front of Hunter and then turned it on and started giggling.
This brought a smile to my sweet Hunter's face, he patted and played with the toy and started laughing with his brother.
Gunner is my sweet happy boy that gets along with everyone.
He is very tolerant of his little sister when she steals his toys, pulls his hair, bites him, and pulls him down by his shirt when she wants to play with him.
 He likes to chase her around the table and push her in the car.
Gunner is also so good with Hunter.
Hunter doesn't like it when Maarii touches him or tries to wrestle. He does love to wrestle with Gunner and doesn't mind sitting next to him and will even lay his head on his brother. They love to play hide and seek especially in the curtains.
Gunner is my peacemaker.
I just love this sweet boy of mine!

Morning with daddy and the sibs!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

at the big kids table

We have officially graduated from our high chairs to our own little big kids table! The boys have become very disinterested in eating while sitting in the high chairs so we decided to try something new.
I pulled out the little green table and chair that my dad had made for Noah.
Noah loved that table and would spend hours drawing and playing with his toys there. But now he is to tall for it! There is no way he would be able to fit his long legs under there!
So it is being passed on to the trio! We had to get 2 more chairs from Grandpa and Grandma and now we are set.

They LOVE it! They have a "view" of the backyard and the dogs.
They are as happy as clams!
Mama is happy because it is easier to clean!
 And if the boys decide to stand in their chairs and fall off it is not so far down! Win Win!
My 3 little bugs are growing up!!! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Triple, adjective
1. Three times as great
Three times the hugs
Three time the wet tongue kisses
Three times the shrieks of laughter
Three times the silly dancing
Three times the stomping of feet in the hall
Three times the smiles and giggles
Three times the tickles
Gunner is laughing and giggling all the time. He is my happy little guy!
He is also my biter which he also thinks is funny.
He loves to play with toys and is always willing to give them up when a sibling wants them
Hunter is independent letting go of the mama's boy he was. He likes to scrunch up his nose and smile.
He is my hitter, he goes up to the others and hits them on the head then looks at me to see if he's in trouble.
He doesn't like to share his space so he will go off and do his own thing.
Maarii is bossy! She wants the toys the boys have and will make them give them to her. She only wants the car when they have it. She climbs in on top of them and shrieks at them until they get out.
She loves to dance and will turn on the toys that make music.
she gets bitten a lot...
We are wearing big kid jammie's so our feet don't slip when we walk

We walk to and from our bedrooms for bed and naptimes
Hunter has figured it out so he peaks in the door then runs back down the hall
 This is how we ride in our car
         We sit at the table now     

   Always ready to help a brother out!
 We love to play with big brother!
It is true our lives are Three Times as Great!!!

Starting HighSchool!

I registered Noah for his freshman year of High School! How did that happen?
 I can't believe it! He has grown so much and is becoming a young adult.
 He has gotten really involved in football and is super excited to be on the high school team.
He has been working really hard all summer going to practices and now doing practices twice a day!
I look at the babies and can't believe that Noah is already so far past the cute baby stage.
 3 Weeks old!
 about 2, at Nana's house with mama
the cutest kindergartener!
 silly little 6 year old
 today! he still needs a little help from mom
getting his jersey on over the shoulder pads
I document how tall and how much the babies weigh all the time! 
Noah is 5'10, 143lbs, size 11 shoes. He looks over my head!
I only have 4 more years with this kid then I have to let him go off and do his own thing!
My wise husband says that the reason kids don't stay little and cute is so that you can let them move out when they grow up. I agree, but I am still not looking forward to that day!
High School here we come!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Bath times.......water splashing LOTS of water, squeaky ducks, shrieks and giggles. Yes that is what bath time at my house sounds like. Once the trio was big enough to sit up on their own we started baths 3 in the tub. They loved it!
 Things have changed a lot! They still love it.....I don't know if I will survive it! They are wild and crazy in the bathtub now. I need a 3rd maybe a 4th arm to keep them in the tub. They like to stand up!!! oh my goodness I am constantly making one sit down then the next and the next, it is a never ending cycle! They like to push and crawl over each other to get the toy that is on the OTHER side of the tub. The last attempt we made with all 3 in the tub Hunter was the first one in, in the time it took for me to undress Maarii he had stood up 3 times and fallen on his head face first in the water. I thought he was going to drown himself!  So bath time has changed for us, we are always changing here. We now do short baths ONE at a time! We spend our longer water time in the safer inflatable pool. While bathing one I will hear the other two shrieking and yelling to each other in the hall, footsteps stomping and little hands banging on the bathroom door. They can't wait for their turn! Now we have crazy hair contests!
Tonight Gunner was the winner.

Earlier he had a long Mohawk that Noah had "styled" for him.

Hunter and Maarii had fun hair too!
After our bath they were very tired so we watched our new favorite show "Timmy Time" with the sheep and goat that are best friends. They lasted about 5-10 minutes!
I love all these fun moments with my kiddos!

About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
