Thursday, August 8, 2013


Bath times.......water splashing LOTS of water, squeaky ducks, shrieks and giggles. Yes that is what bath time at my house sounds like. Once the trio was big enough to sit up on their own we started baths 3 in the tub. They loved it!
 Things have changed a lot! They still love it.....I don't know if I will survive it! They are wild and crazy in the bathtub now. I need a 3rd maybe a 4th arm to keep them in the tub. They like to stand up!!! oh my goodness I am constantly making one sit down then the next and the next, it is a never ending cycle! They like to push and crawl over each other to get the toy that is on the OTHER side of the tub. The last attempt we made with all 3 in the tub Hunter was the first one in, in the time it took for me to undress Maarii he had stood up 3 times and fallen on his head face first in the water. I thought he was going to drown himself!  So bath time has changed for us, we are always changing here. We now do short baths ONE at a time! We spend our longer water time in the safer inflatable pool. While bathing one I will hear the other two shrieking and yelling to each other in the hall, footsteps stomping and little hands banging on the bathroom door. They can't wait for their turn! Now we have crazy hair contests!
Tonight Gunner was the winner.

Earlier he had a long Mohawk that Noah had "styled" for him.

Hunter and Maarii had fun hair too!
After our bath they were very tired so we watched our new favorite show "Timmy Time" with the sheep and goat that are best friends. They lasted about 5-10 minutes!
I love all these fun moments with my kiddos!

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About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
