Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Starting HighSchool!

I registered Noah for his freshman year of High School! How did that happen?
 I can't believe it! He has grown so much and is becoming a young adult.
 He has gotten really involved in football and is super excited to be on the high school team.
He has been working really hard all summer going to practices and now doing practices twice a day!
I look at the babies and can't believe that Noah is already so far past the cute baby stage.
 3 Weeks old!
 about 2, at Nana's house with mama
the cutest kindergartener!
 silly little 6 year old
 today! he still needs a little help from mom
getting his jersey on over the shoulder pads
I document how tall and how much the babies weigh all the time! 
Noah is 5'10, 143lbs, size 11 shoes. He looks over my head!
I only have 4 more years with this kid then I have to let him go off and do his own thing!
My wise husband says that the reason kids don't stay little and cute is so that you can let them move out when they grow up. I agree, but I am still not looking forward to that day!
High School here we come!

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About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
