Monday, December 23, 2013

Sibling love

This week we have had some sick kiddos. Runny noses all around, which has caused more cranky babies and lots more complaining because they don't feel good. Today however I got to see a lot of little loving moments between the kids, it warms my heart!

big brother moment
Noah is really an amazing older brother, the little kids just light up when he walks into the house after school. Today as the trio were sitting on the couch he came in the door and got 3 huge grins. He came over and gave everyone hugs and attention and they loved it! He has also been good this week about entertaining them while I cook dinner. He will wrestle with Gunner, giggle with Hunter, and cuddle with Maarii. I am so thankful for that big brother!
lots of kisses

Today while I was holding all 3 little kids (which was almost all day) Maarii started giving Hunter who was in the middle kisses. She would lean over and kiss his mouth, then his forehead, then his hair. Gunner thought that looked fun so he leaned over from his side and started giving his version of kisses. They start out as a kisses but once he gets close to you he opens his mouth and slobbers on you then laughs because he thinks it's hilarious! So little Hunter was getting love from all sides, which he tolerated for quite some time too.
sweet sister moment 
Later Gunner tripped on a toy in the hall as started crying. As I was going to get him Maarii ran down the hall to give him a big hug and tried to comfort him. 
Gunner and Maarii were sitting on my lap and Maarii started coughing so I was patting her back. Gunner reached over and started patting her back too. 
mama's boy
My sweet little Hunter walked up to me while I was sitting on the couch and have me a big hug, then he took his pacifier out of his mouth to give me a kiss. Quite a gesture to take out the pacifier.

                    I just love all these sweet moments and I want to remember them, always.


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About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
