Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Triple, adjective
1. Three times as great
Three times the hugs
Three time the wet tongue kisses
Three times the shrieks of laughter
Three times the silly dancing
Three times the stomping of feet in the hall
Three times the smiles and giggles
Three times the tickles
Gunner is laughing and giggling all the time. He is my happy little guy!
He is also my biter which he also thinks is funny.
He loves to play with toys and is always willing to give them up when a sibling wants them
Hunter is independent letting go of the mama's boy he was. He likes to scrunch up his nose and smile.
He is my hitter, he goes up to the others and hits them on the head then looks at me to see if he's in trouble.
He doesn't like to share his space so he will go off and do his own thing.
Maarii is bossy! She wants the toys the boys have and will make them give them to her. She only wants the car when they have it. She climbs in on top of them and shrieks at them until they get out.
She loves to dance and will turn on the toys that make music.
she gets bitten a lot...
We are wearing big kid jammie's so our feet don't slip when we walk

We walk to and from our bedrooms for bed and naptimes
Hunter has figured it out so he peaks in the door then runs back down the hall
 This is how we ride in our car
         We sit at the table now     

   Always ready to help a brother out!
 We love to play with big brother!
It is true our lives are Three Times as Great!!!

Starting HighSchool!

I registered Noah for his freshman year of High School! How did that happen?
 I can't believe it! He has grown so much and is becoming a young adult.
 He has gotten really involved in football and is super excited to be on the high school team.
He has been working really hard all summer going to practices and now doing practices twice a day!
I look at the babies and can't believe that Noah is already so far past the cute baby stage.
 3 Weeks old!
 about 2, at Nana's house with mama
the cutest kindergartener!
 silly little 6 year old
 today! he still needs a little help from mom
getting his jersey on over the shoulder pads
I document how tall and how much the babies weigh all the time! 
Noah is 5'10, 143lbs, size 11 shoes. He looks over my head!
I only have 4 more years with this kid then I have to let him go off and do his own thing!
My wise husband says that the reason kids don't stay little and cute is so that you can let them move out when they grow up. I agree, but I am still not looking forward to that day!
High School here we come!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Bath times.......water splashing LOTS of water, squeaky ducks, shrieks and giggles. Yes that is what bath time at my house sounds like. Once the trio was big enough to sit up on their own we started baths 3 in the tub. They loved it!
 Things have changed a lot! They still love it.....I don't know if I will survive it! They are wild and crazy in the bathtub now. I need a 3rd maybe a 4th arm to keep them in the tub. They like to stand up!!! oh my goodness I am constantly making one sit down then the next and the next, it is a never ending cycle! They like to push and crawl over each other to get the toy that is on the OTHER side of the tub. The last attempt we made with all 3 in the tub Hunter was the first one in, in the time it took for me to undress Maarii he had stood up 3 times and fallen on his head face first in the water. I thought he was going to drown himself!  So bath time has changed for us, we are always changing here. We now do short baths ONE at a time! We spend our longer water time in the safer inflatable pool. While bathing one I will hear the other two shrieking and yelling to each other in the hall, footsteps stomping and little hands banging on the bathroom door. They can't wait for their turn! Now we have crazy hair contests!
Tonight Gunner was the winner.

Earlier he had a long Mohawk that Noah had "styled" for him.

Hunter and Maarii had fun hair too!
After our bath they were very tired so we watched our new favorite show "Timmy Time" with the sheep and goat that are best friends. They lasted about 5-10 minutes!
I love all these fun moments with my kiddos!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Save the bear!

Our adventures with the vacuum become more and more entertaining! The other day I was vacuuming up crumbs....can you imagine crumbs in my house ha! As I brought the vacuum into the living room I saw 3 different reactions to it, Gunner was super excited!, Hunter was eyeing the cord, and little Miss Maarii was starting to get nervous. I plugged it in and started to vacuum Gunner started chasing it and standing in front of it so I would come right up to his toes, this would make his screech and giggle with excitement. Hunter saw the cord and started carrying it around with him while staying out of the way of the vacuum. Maarii was sitting on the floor with her new bear from my wonderful friend Nancy and her adorable daughters. As I got closer to Maarii she started to make worried sounds and let me know that she did NOT like it! Finally she decided that it was too close so she crawled to the other side of the room....but wait she had left her bear! She quickly turned around and went back for the bear saving it from a terrible fate! My silly girl loves her bear so much she couldn't leave it behind.

Hunter likes the bears too!
One of the 3 reasons I vacuum so often :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mama's Rock

This morning I was feeling a little behind and lazy. I was thinking I need to pick the zucchini from the garden and make zucchini bread, I have a mountain of laundry to fold, a few phone calls to make but I don't want to! As I was feeling guilty about not wanting to do any of that I thought back to what I have accomplished today! I made 3 bottles, made 3 breakfasts, changed 6 diapers, made up cloth baby wipes for the day, got Noah up to go work for the neighbor, changed over and started a load of laundry, cuddled and tickled Gunner, did acrobatics with Hunter, helped Maarii walk around the house and put 3 tired babies down for a nap!

 That was all by 9:00am! I do more work now as a stay at home mom than I did when I was working 60hrs a week. This job is 24hrs a day! but I love it and I love being there for all my beautiful kids! So I am not going to feel guilty for watching a little tv while I fold diapers. This job of raising kids doesn't get enough credit or thanks so to all you other mama's out there YOU ROCK!!!

About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
