Friday, July 26, 2013

We are ONE!

One year ago today at this exact moment I was sitting in a hospital bed thinking that the 26th would be a good day to meet my 3 little monkeys and to find out what we were having (it was a surprise!) I was with my mom praying they would stay in long enough for Josh to come back from his job interview.....he got that job! they were impressed with his commitment considering we might be having babies that day! My little munchkins were delivered on July 26th, 2012 at 6:53, 6:54, 6:55PM at 34 weeks and 5 days! where we started.....

We got a puppy on one of our trips up to the Dr. We had to make sure our family was an even 8!
The babies liked to get into each other spaces especially Baby C-Maarii so my tummy was always crazy lopsided!
Me sitting in bed with my 6 pillows! I can't believe Josh still fit in bed with me!
My poor sad swollen feet!
A couple of days before I met my little ones!
Baby A- Gunner Edward born at 6:53pm, 5lbs 5oz, 18in long. My poor little squished baby on the bottom no wonder he loves it when his brother and sister sit on him!
Baby B- Hunter David born at 6:54pm, 5lbs 8oz, 19.75in long. My little baby on the left and right under my belly button he was so active and didn't like it when baby C would roll over on him when I laid on my left side. He had a cpap for extra oxygen the first couple of days.
Baby C- Maarii Louise born at 6:55pm, 5lbs 7.3oz, 18in long. My little baby on the high right that would wiggle and do backflips for the ultrasounds. She was then and still is very flirty for the camera!
My first time holding Maarii
Daddy and Hunter
Noah and Gunner
The first time the babies were all together again.....Hunter, Gunner, Maarii HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY!!! We are so blessed to have you in our lives!

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About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
