Monday, July 15, 2013

saying goodbye

On April 23 Josh's grandmother Lou passed away. We named our Maarii Louise after her, Lou was completely in love with her great grandchildren. We were able to take the triplets up to see her 3 or 4 times before she passed. She was 91 and lived a wonderful life! On July 7 we went to celebrate her life. It was a beautiful day, you could hear the water, the birds and the children laughing. She would have loved it. The triplets were wonderfully behaved considering we drove 4hrs each way to get there. They may not remember their great-grandmother but we will tell them about her.
Great-Grandma and Gunner

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About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
