Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's all about Maarii

Last night when the babies were staging a rebellion and trying not to go to bed I discovered that Maarii had her first tooth!!!! Wow! It brought a tears to my eyes! My little girl is growing up!! She is the first of the 3 to get a tooth. It is on the lower front I tried to take a picture but she thought it was funny and kept sticking out her tongue. You can just see it under her tongue in the second picture. Maarii is such a blessing to us, we tried so hard and for so long to have these beautiful babies and we were so blessed to have our little girl! She is the first girl on both sides even most of the 2nd cousins are boys! She is already showing the signs of being the bossy sister, she likes to growl and talk to her brothers. Whenever I lay one or both of her brothers right next to her she tries to touch them and hold their hands, and she gives this great big grin like "Thanks Mom I was looking for them!" Maarii was our baby C in the womb they were in a triangle and she was the top right. Whenever I would lay on my left side Hunter baby B would roll to the left and she would follow. She just couldn't leave them alone, which is also why they have to sleep in seperate cribs :) She was the last to come out when delivering but the first to come home. She has so much hair that I can almost put barretts in it, she doesn't like her flower headband gets in her eyes. She is so happy she rarely cries and is just content to watch and play not quietly she is quite the talker. She is super girly in all her motions she likes to lay on her back and lift her butt up with her legs. She rubs her head and sucks her thumb when she is tired. She gets startled by loud noises and doesn't like to play as rough as the boys. She has started being shy around other people besides Josh, Noah and I so she will cry when they hold her, but once she comes back to us she likes to watch the visitors. She isn't as ticklish as the boys but laughs at funny things and noises you make. I just love this pretty girl so much!

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About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
