Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Carrots! Carrots! Carrots!

Carrots! Carrots! Carrots! Today we tried green beans but that was not a hit! We have been slowly trying new foods so far they love bananas, pumpkin, and carrots.....they may have a sweet tooth :) Trying to add real aka baby food to our daily routine has been rough. We are on a 3 hour feeding schedule which doesn't leave to much time in between to get the rest of the chores done. so adding food was hard for I am not sure I am ready for them to be growing up this fast. So we tried a few different approaches, finally what worked is 2 times per day and we all eat food together (well not me) we had to wait for Gunner to be big enough for the bigger high chair so they all can sit together. When I tried feeding 2 first then the 3rd one would get forgotten or we would run out of time. So eating together is key for us. Plus they like to see each other. G and M like to suck their thumbs and H likes to suck on his bib between bites. Needless to say it is all very messy! When we tried green beans today G and M would take a bite then make an icky face like "MOM what is this!" H just refused to open his mouth after the first few bites. haha! Of course I was the mean mama that made them take one more bite so I could take a picture for Daddy. So the next day I tried mixing carrots and green beans together, G and M were fine with it, G is a good eater and M just goes with the flow. Now H on the other hand tried a few bites and then was done. I know he was thinking "Mom! Why did you ruin the carrots by adding green things to it!!" I am sure this is just the beginning of H being my picky stubborn one. He has his reddish hair and his daddy's stubborn streak! (stubborn couldn't have come from me :) He is very serious but then he gets this huge smile that comes out of nowhere. So I am sure that we will have more battles about food this is just the beginning at 6 months. It is fun to see their little personalities starting to show themselves, and they are such big personalities!! I can't wait!

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
