Sunday, February 3, 2013

From 3 to 6

oh how life has changed!! i haven't been blogging for quite awhile but i will be getting back into it. i don't want to forget all the wonderful moments that happen every day! our family has grown from 3 to 6! on july 26, 2012 we had our wonderful triplets! gunner edward 5.5lbs, hunter david 5.8lbs and maarii louise 5.7lbs they were born via c section at 34 weeks and 5 days. such wonderful blessings! we just celebrated their 6 month birthday with cupcakes and photos with all the grandparents, aunts and uncles. with all these changes i have been so proud of noah he is such a wonderful big brother, he loves the babies so much. he is always wanting to hold and cuddle them. each day he has a favorite but it changes all the time depending on who he is holding. it is just precious to see the babies just light up when he comes in the room. they always have huge smiles just for him.
I am just so in love with these babies
gunner our baby A is our big goofy guy! He was the littlest when he was born but he has gotten so chubby at about 16lbs. He is really strong and is so close to crawling. He has discovered his tongue and is smiling and sticking it out at the same time. He is happy and smiley and has the cutest giggle. He is always moving even when sleeping.
Hunter our baby B was the biggest but is now the littlest is about 14 1/2 lbs he is a mamas boy has his strawberry blond hair and his shirt that says "crabby but cute" is absolutely right. He is our loudest screamer and talker sometimes you can't tell the difference. He doesn't like his gunner or Maarii touching him he always gets annoyed with them. So funny. Hunter is our little tickle bug he laughs when he is getting dressed and just lightly touching him tickles. he was the first to laugh. He is rolling and lifting his head up and he is getting his first tooth. I can see the nub on the bottom right it is rough on him, being held and chewing on his pacifier is all that makes him happy.
Maarii baby C oh we were praying for a girl! Since we kept the babies genders a suprise we were so happy that we got our little girl. she came out at the end making us hold our breath. She is the happiest girl on the block. She has a full head of dark hair and the biggest grin for everyone. She was the first to come home from the hospital and the first to start rolling over. She loves all of her brothers a wants to hold their hands and touch them. She is our little daddy's girl and just lights up when he comes in the room. She is so girly compared to the boys she sucks her thumb and loves to hug her teddy bear. She laughs at funny words and people talking to her and growls and bosses her brothers around.
I have been so blessed with my wonderful husband who has made it possible for me to stay home with all our kiddos. He is an amazing man! Every day is busy but brings new changes to the babies and I am loving every minute!

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About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
