Saturday, April 24, 2010

i know that wedding is pretty much all that comes out of my mouth. but this will only be the case for 6 more days, to be exact. i have not been counting down until now. the only reminders i have had on the countdown have been from my future-mother-in-law and my wedding planner. so until now i have not been marking it off my calendar. but now it is hard to ignore. up until now i have been slightly stressed about the wedding planning stuff. not about being married to the love of my life, i couldn't be happier about that! just stressed with the planning and changes and spending of money that has come with the wedding planning. but now i am excited! it is almost here! i will soon be married to the most fantastic man! i never knew i could be this happy! i will have to figure out what my new signature will look like. i know that you are thinking "really??? is that so important??" but yes it is, i sign my name about 100 times a day at work. and it is important that my signature is short, sweet and rolls right off my fingertips! does anyone even know what a capital F looks like in cursive? i can't remember. anyways yes i am excited and can't wait for our big day to be here and to celebrate with our great family and friends!

Monday, April 12, 2010

wedding planning is so stressful! i think it would be much easier to help somebody else with their wedding, rather than plan your own. there are just so many decisions to make and way to many options. it doesn't help either when your significant other keeps telling you that getting married in vegas by elvis would have been a better idea :) it's amazing how things get so much bigger than planned. and their are so many things and people to think about. many people tell me that it is my wedding so i should just do what i want ( and of course take the grooms ideas as well) but really a wedding is for the entire family. especially the mothers! and i just don't think i am the type of person that will just choose to do only what i want. i will maintain my vision but i don't think it is a terrible idea to make some other family members happy by taking their ideas as well. of course that is just me. i don't think i could do it any other way. so in the end. i will be happy with the results of our wedding. friends and family getting together to celebrate with us, and me married to the greatest guy in the world! i am happy! but i will be even happier on may 2nd!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

just made the most delicious cupcakes! they are marscipone and strawberry filled, i made vanilla and lemon cupcakes.
tomorrow is easter and we are meeting my mother in centralia so that the little monkey can go and spend spring break down there. he will have a blast i am sure. then we are heading back up to have easter at josh's aunts house. it will be great to spend time with family.

About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
