Saturday, January 18, 2014

Great grandmothers

Recently my grandmother on my mothers side passed away. It was unexpected, she wasn't super sick but she was 85. What a blessing to have lived for 85 years. She was able to spend many years with
 with her kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids.
She was a beautiful painter, she loved the ocean, and she loved to hold your hand.
She was my last grandparent and I will miss her!
These were pictures from her 85th birthday, she came out to visit

Her birthday a few years ago
My aunt Collette, Sister Carol, Grandma Lee, me, Sister Beth and my mom Electa
It was a wonderful day with all the girls!

then there were 5

In December we found out we were expecting a surprise!
A new baby to add to the crew! Let me just say we are still shocked and amazed and feeling so blessed! My silly husband says only 2 more and we have your dad's record beat!
This special little baby is due July 29, 2014. 
Only 3 days after the little kids 2nd birthday. July is going to be busy and amazing! 

First photo!

Our announcement.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

kix in a cup

My kids are big....they are eating kix in a cup, applesauce with a spoon. Noah is starting to help make dinner.
I keep seeing little things and big things that make me realize how much my kids have grown.
Noah is much taller than me, he likes to remind me that he needs to lean over to give me a hug.
He has a deep voice and is starting to look like a man, not my chubby cheeked little boy anymore.
The little kids are still my chubby cheeked little cuddle bugs. But they are also growing up.
Gunner said "bye bye grandma" yesterday to my mom when she left.
Our first sentence! He is my quiet boy but suddenly he has started talking, even more than the others.
He says thank you, moo, yucky, and cracker along with the rest of his words,
these are just the new additions.
He likes to clap and say "yay" for his brother and sister whenever they do something good!
Sometimes I will forget and he knows when it should be done and will start it!
What a great brother they have!
Hunter said ball at Christmas when he saw his new truck with the boulder in it.
He has started wearing his new big boy boots all around the house.
We have been sick so we have only gone outside with them once. He was excited!
He is also obsessed with hair. He rubs his hair when he is tired and he likes to tangle his fingers in mine too. Ouch!
He is very smiley, smiles at everyone all the time.
Maarii is my little mama.
She will go and grab one of the boys when I call them over to change them.
She grabs their shirt and drags them over to me. She even gets the right one.
I can ask her to go and bring me things and she will.
She will find a pacifier for Hunter and put it in his mouth.
She cries when Gunner gets really upset and tries to comfort the boys by hugging or patting them.
She loves to give her brothers kisses.
She likes to clean! YES! She will pick up toys, put away the kitchen towels, and wash their table.
And of course they all like to tell each other no, no ,no!

About Me

My photo
i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
