Thursday, May 23, 2013

V is for Vacuum

It is so funny how we can already see the little and big personalities emerging from the trio. Yesterday I was vacuuming for the 2nd time under their high chairs (YUCK!) this is the price I pay for finger foods :) Anyways I had the 3 out with me and I started up the vacuum......their reactions were priceless! Gunner is my adventurer as soon as he saw that vacuum moving and making cool sounds he wanted to be on it! So as I am vacuuming I have a little boy crawling and chasing the vacuum all while stopping to laugh and clap his hands in excitement! If he could have he would have ridden it haha! Now Hunter is my little follower he loves to see what Gunner is doing so he was sitting next to us all excited and chewing on the cord. Maybe he was more of the cheering section on this one :) My sweet timid Maarii was not sure about being left behind by her brothers but she did not want to be so close to that loud machine! So she sat in the background making worried faces and calling out to the boys. Such silly kids! It does make vacuuming more interesting!

1 comment:

  1. super cute! My youngest loved vacuums so much we bought him one when he turned two. Now they run away from anything that resembles a cleaning tool. Oh sigh.


About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
