Thursday, May 23, 2013

V is for Vacuum

It is so funny how we can already see the little and big personalities emerging from the trio. Yesterday I was vacuuming for the 2nd time under their high chairs (YUCK!) this is the price I pay for finger foods :) Anyways I had the 3 out with me and I started up the vacuum......their reactions were priceless! Gunner is my adventurer as soon as he saw that vacuum moving and making cool sounds he wanted to be on it! So as I am vacuuming I have a little boy crawling and chasing the vacuum all while stopping to laugh and clap his hands in excitement! If he could have he would have ridden it haha! Now Hunter is my little follower he loves to see what Gunner is doing so he was sitting next to us all excited and chewing on the cord. Maybe he was more of the cheering section on this one :) My sweet timid Maarii was not sure about being left behind by her brothers but she did not want to be so close to that loud machine! So she sat in the background making worried faces and calling out to the boys. Such silly kids! It does make vacuuming more interesting!

Monday, May 20, 2013

moments in may

the new things this month! Noah ran track this year and qualified to go to state, we are so proud of him! he is graduating from 8th grade next month and getting ready for high school, YIKES! he has a girlfriend..... Gunner and Hunter are speed crawling and pulling themselves up to stand at all the furniture. Maarii is army crawling and is just behind the boys in all their mischief! There is lots of hair pulling, pinching, grabbing each others faces, crawling over and on top of each other.........and temper tantrums! temper tantrums when I take away things they shouldn't have, when they have to give back toys or pacifiers they have stolen from somebody. along with that is the laughter, playing peek-a-boo, hiding behind the chair and laughing at each other, just sitting next to a brother or sister and laughing. giving baby hugs and kisses, all the tickle time they are even tickling each other, laughing when one discovers an escape path out of baby jail and the others follow, discovering the doors and rooms down the hall together. this last month has been so much fun! all of the kids are growing and learning so much and I am so grateful to my husband for making it possible for me to be home to see and treasure every moment! !

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8 months.....counting down to 12!!!

We were 8 months on March 26th and now we are almost 9 months on April 26th....and I didn't have time to blog..imagine that!!! I was going through my calendar marking the 26th of each month to remind me to take pictures and I got to July way to fast!! It feels like we are just skipping and running through these months. I am actually starting to plan the 1 year bash, WOW! So the wonderful things that have come at 8-9 months.... Gunner, oh Gunner he is my mover. He crawls like a seal, first his hands then his legs, but WOW is he Fast! He is starting to add the normal crawl in too. He can book it across the room when he sees something he wants. And don't let H or M get in the way he just crawls right over them haha! He has his 2 front bottom teeth and has for awhile, but he is drooling like crazy so I am sure we have more teeth on the way. Gunner climbed up the step of our sunken livingroom just up and into the dining room. No problem Mom! We were excited because Oma, Opa and Noah were there to see it. He got it on the first try the little stinker! He also likes to clap his hands and slap his hands on the entry way step. That step is his next adventure I am sure. Tonight I heard him slapping on the step (thank goodness for the warning) and I went over and he had crawled over pulled himself up and was sitting up at the step. This is the first time he has sat up all by himself from laying down. He is rubbing off on Hunter who was next to him slapping the step as well. We know who the ring leader is at this point! He loves to take toys from the other 2, well it just isn't as fun until they have it :) They love watching him play with toys though because he just gets so into them! When we go on walks he gets to sit in the front seat of the stroller and he is always so serious when we meet people, just looking at them intently. But at home he loves to talk to his siblings and make them laugh. He can get all of us laughing and it makes him laugh even more! His new move is to put his head on the ground and stand on his tip toes and hang out, or walk around. He will play with toys that way or crawl that way, I am just waiting for the unexpected somersault! Won't that be a suprise! HA! He is my little lover he has the softest cheeks and loves to have them kissed, it makes him giggle and he has been trying to open mouth kiss me back :)Love this fun, laughing, chubby little boy with all my heart! Hunter is my little flirt! Who knew he would be, he bats his bright blue eyes and just breaks into a grin at everyone he meets. He has just one tooth in the front on the bottom but it doesn't stop him from eating food like crazy. He loves to eat baby food and makes nummmmm nummmmm sounds when I am feeding him. He gets impatient when the other 2 take to long to get their bites and it makes him wait. He still just has 1 bottom tooth. He is not afraid to tell me how he feels he will yell to make himself heard. He is scooting and rolling all over the place and has started to get up on his hands and toes like he is about to do some push ups, he started crawling and sitting up by himself!! He likes to lay on his belly and flap his arms and kick his legs like he is flying and it comes with a squawk of course! He has started laughing at everything, his brothers and sister, the toys, me. He just thinks things are funny. Hunter likes to flirt with people He is getting stronger and taking his pacifier back when the other 2 steal it from him, because they only want his. The day before Easter we went out and played in the yard. We found out that he is very scared of the grass, not just nervous but actually panics if he even thinks its going to touch him, this will be interesting poor guy. Hunter may be the little guy in the trio but he is really strong, he likes to hang upside down, and loves being tossed in the air while he laughs and twists his body like a gymnist. When you help him stand he likes to talk really loud and flex out his belly, he will have a 6 pack for sure haha! He is still my little mama's boy and comes and sleeps with me early each morning. I love my flirty, sweet little red headed boy! Maarii is my sweet happy little girl! And boy is she beautiful, I may be slightly biased as only a mother can be......but it's only fair! She is rolling around but doesn't have as many places to be as the boys. She very content to roll over to play and watch her brothers. She loves it when Gunner climbs over her, it makes her laugh as long as he isn't pulling her hair or kicking her in the face. She is starting to talk and make sounds like mamama, dadada, gagaga, bababa. She has a lot to say and she is saying it for her brothers too. She is starting to use Mama to me :) Her favorite toys are her stuffed baby bear and monkey. She loves to hug and cuddle them. She also loves her Oma blanket she will wrap it around herself and snuggle in rubbing it on her face, it puts her right to sleep for her naps. Maarii has 6 teeth!!! 4 on top and 2 on the bottom, we are brushing her teeth now. she is getting so tall whenever i carry her around it amazes me how far her legs hang down. She is already my little girly girl she loves it when my toenails are painted, wants to play with my rings and loves it especially when aunt carol comes over with her necklaces and her hair down. (aunt carol is braver than me!) I am looking forward to having a girly girl to dress up and have fun with!! Noah is turning 14 this month! WOW when did that happen? He is 5'8 and it is weird to reach up to hug him! He is in track this season and really enjoying it, getting ready for High School Yikes!! He has put together a budget to figure out how much he needs to save to buy his first car, yeah he is a planner! (hmmm who could he have gotten that from!) He has already chosen his electives for high school and is looking at colleges for co

About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
