Wednesday, March 24, 2010

wedding day plans are underway! i can't believe how much is already done. of course there is still more to do, but i feel good about what i have accomplished. and i have had so many great helpers! my sister has been fabulous, she was able to help me find the perfect dress....i couldn't have done it without her. and my future-mother-in-law has been great as well, helping me with ideas and going shopping with me. i am now just really excited for it to be here.

another thing i am working on is getting into a knitting group. i love to knit and i need to expand my skills. but i think it would be fun to learn in a group. so i am going to look online to see if there are any groups locally. i would think that there are being in the big city. :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

this is my first blog. reading somebody else's blog is very interesting, it is amazing what you can learn and hear from them. mine won't be the most exciting thing ever written, but it will make me feel better and get my thoughts out.
i am 29, almost 30!!! eeek! how did that happen, it feels like time has just flown. now 40 doesn't look old at all or even 50 for that matter. i am engaged to be married to a wonderful guy! we are getting married may 2nd. so excited and happy! i have a fantastic 10 yr old son, he will be 11 next month. that makes me feel old :) he has grown up so quickly! every time i look at him i wonder what happened to that cute little chubby cheeked baby i once had. josh and noah are my life! i love to be with them all the time. we have a hilariously clumsy giant moose of a dog, heidi. she is part black lab and german shepherd, and we are sure there is some moose mixed in there as well. she is the most unladylike dog i have ever met. but she is a good girl and she loves us.
i work full time, but i have noticed that most of my friends from high school are fantastic stay at home mom's. i have to say that i am jealous! i hate not being home when noah gets home from school and feeling like i am missing out on so much, that i can't get back. it just goes so quickly.
our plan is to focus on josh's career so that i can quit and stay home. we want more kids and i want to spend time with my little boy who is growing up so fast! but i am impatient and i want it to happen now :) of course the things that i want to savor pass quickly and the things i can't wait for take forever. but i am trusting God, i know that it will all work out according to His plan, not mine. i just need a little help with the patience part :)

About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
