Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sweet Brother Moment

The past few days have been tough on my little Hunter, he is teething (molars) and he has some sort of bug.
So he is tired, whiny and not putting up with anyone but Mama.
This morning as he was cuddling with me on the couch
Gunner came over and brought his Elmo toy to share with Hunter.
He put it on my lap in front of Hunter and then turned it on and started giggling.
This brought a smile to my sweet Hunter's face, he patted and played with the toy and started laughing with his brother.
Gunner is my sweet happy boy that gets along with everyone.
He is very tolerant of his little sister when she steals his toys, pulls his hair, bites him, and pulls him down by his shirt when she wants to play with him.
 He likes to chase her around the table and push her in the car.
Gunner is also so good with Hunter.
Hunter doesn't like it when Maarii touches him or tries to wrestle. He does love to wrestle with Gunner and doesn't mind sitting next to him and will even lay his head on his brother. They love to play hide and seek especially in the curtains.
Gunner is my peacemaker.
I just love this sweet boy of mine!

Morning with daddy and the sibs!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

at the big kids table

We have officially graduated from our high chairs to our own little big kids table! The boys have become very disinterested in eating while sitting in the high chairs so we decided to try something new.
I pulled out the little green table and chair that my dad had made for Noah.
Noah loved that table and would spend hours drawing and playing with his toys there. But now he is to tall for it! There is no way he would be able to fit his long legs under there!
So it is being passed on to the trio! We had to get 2 more chairs from Grandpa and Grandma and now we are set.

They LOVE it! They have a "view" of the backyard and the dogs.
They are as happy as clams!
Mama is happy because it is easier to clean!
 And if the boys decide to stand in their chairs and fall off it is not so far down! Win Win!
My 3 little bugs are growing up!!! 

About Me

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i am married to the love of my life with 4 beautiful children. our teenager and our amazing blessings the triplets! life with my family is a wonderful journey i wouldn't change for the world. this blog is for my children to look back at the moments that were too special not to share!
